Typical Fire plan submission process
(takes between 1-3 weeks for the full process)
- Review of site layout plans, photographs and type of work done (ie. Installation of mezzanine, partitions etc.), including site visit by fire engineer
- Preparation of Building Plan (BP submission)
- Preparation of Fire Protection Plan (FP submission)
- Mechanical ventilation plan by Mechanical PE (if required)
- Submission of plan and SCDF fee
- Obtain notice of approval (NOA)
- Architect Registered Inspection (RI Archi) and Mechanical Registered Inspector (RI Mechanical) to sign RI forms
- Fire Safety certificate application.
For Minor Additions and Alterations (MAA submission) – it only involved the alterations of internal fittings and applies to only a certain purpose group specified by the SCDF Fire Code. For Solar Panel installation submissions, MAA submission is accepted.